The Association has received 14 trees through Christ Church’s application under ‘Trees for Sacred Spaces’- a programme sponsored by the Conservation Foundation and London Tree Officers Association.
We have identified places where they could replace dead or damaged trees or improve the street scene in our area. However, since most of these will be planted by LBE with a 3 year watering contract, we are appealing to members to help with the cost which is £90 per tree.
Thanks to the support of members, we now have funds for planting 11 of the donated trees. This map shows the proposed location of 8 of the trees (the red spots), which should be planted in the next couple of weeks. In addition, 3 yews and 2 hawthorns will go into Minchenden Oak Garden and a tulip tree and a hawthorn will go to the Walker Ground.
We hope you will consider making a donation towards this cause.
All donations, large and small, will be welcome.
Donations can be made by cheque made out to:
“Southgate Green Association”
And sent to: J. Bowden, 17 The Green, London N14 7EH.