Ground Force Day
This year’s Ground Force day will take place on Saturday September 22nd between 10.30am and 12.30pm. Please join us if you can for our annual clean up of the Conservation Area. Offers of help to Denise Gandhi (8886 3632) or just come along and pick up bags, brooms etc from a table which will be placed by the stocks (near the roundabout). This year we plan to focus on tidying up Minchenden Oak Garden, as well as a general litter pick of the area. Sadly, SGA has been banned from tending the roundabout on Health and Safety grounds.
Update on Proposed Waste Processing Plant at Pinkham Way
At the hearing of the North London Waste Plan a few weeks ago the Inspector found that the Plan was legally unsound. The North London Waste Authority had failed to cooperate with adjacent boroughs outside the capital which receive a significant proportion of the Authority’s waste. The Authority now has to withdraw the existing plan and start again or try to fix the problem.
At a hearing in February the Inspector refused to allow LB Haringey to redesignate the Pinkham Way site as industrial land. Haringey’s Core Strategy (renamed Strategic Policies) is now open for consultation on the Inspector’s changes to the proposed Policies. We will keep members informed of developments.
Minchenden Oak Garden
A plan has been submitted to LB Enfield for Community Funding for the proposed refurbishment of Minchenden Oak Garden. The plan can be seen on the SGA website (
The intention is to make the garden more accessible and attractive without destroying its present character, and it is hoped that SGA members and other community groups will wish to be involved in the preparatory work. For further information or to offer help, contact SGA Chair Chris Horner on 8886 7833
Subs are now due for 2012/13. Your subs keep the Association going and contribute to improvements within the Conservation Area. So if you’re not up-to-date with your subscription please would you drop a cheque for £10 to the Secretary at the address below.