This is the earliest known reference to a bowling club by The Cherry Tree
Extract made at the London Metropolitan Archive
Document reference: ACC 10 16/1 to 12
Esmonton Manor
Documents donated by
Harold S. COUCHMAN, Architect & Surveyor.
Document IA dated 9 June 1840
Valuation for Enfranchisement
Land adjacent to Bowling Green and Cherry Tree (formerly in the occupation of John SPIERS
9 June 1 840; On this date Christopher ACOTT was admitted to: –
All those two pieces or parcels of ground late Waste of the said Manor lying at Southgate within the said Manor one piece whereof containing about 18 poles and the other piece containing about 3 poles adjoining to the first mentioned the whole abutting on the East part upon the King’s Highway upon the West part of the Mansion House heretofore of John BLISS late of Rebecca NOEL on the North Part on another piece of Waste of the said Manor called the Bowling Green and on the South part on a messuage or tenement heretofore called the Cherry Tree with the appurtenances
And also all that messuage or Cottage and a piece or parcel of land thereto belonging containing about thirty poles formerly in the occupation of John SPIERS since of Rowland GLADWIN and late in the tenure of Thomas ELLIOTT lying and being at or near Southgate in the parish of Edmonton abutting on the King’s Highway leading to the late Enfield Chase near the one and thirty elms on the highway leading to South Street on the South on a piece of ground formerly Waste called the Bowling Green and on the West on Chappelfield.
Rents 1/-; 1/-
Fines 2/-6