The Green in the 1920ies
Somethings change and others don’t!
‘The Post Office dug up Mayfield Avenue to lay telephone cables only a month after the road had been tarmacked.’ (1924)
‘Police complained that the Water Board was causing an obstruction of The High Street with all their barriers for excavation work. The Water Board was ordered to work night and day to fix it.’ (1925)
‘Due to volume of work, the Town Clerk was authorised to buy another typewriter.’ (1926)
‘In July and August of 1930, 42 cases of infectious diseases were recorded, an improvement over 1929, when 48 cases were recorded.’
‘The owner of Grove House (Chandos Court) twice had his application for a petrol station refused.’ (1929)
‘Enfield Council suggested a bill to limit hoardings and billposting which were having a ‘damaging effect on rateable values.’ (1924)
‘Selborne Road car owners complained about the uneven surface of the road, even though they contributed “to no small extent to the upkeep of the Highways”.’ (1926)